BioPortUSA encourages international life science companies interested in entering the U.S. Marketplace to participate in a four-part U.S. Market Analysis. The objective is to provide critical answers that will help identify where your product or service stands in comparison to the rest of the market. The Market Analysis includes oversight of the U.S. Market, Competition, Intellectual Property and Regulatory landscapes.
Market Analysis identifies the markets and segments that would include your invention if it were commercialized. It includes information on current market size as well as rates of growth or contraction estimated by analysts. This information can be used by you to assess the potential demand for your product.
Competitive Analysis identifies the companies that are the main competitors with significant market share in the segments that are relevant to your commercial product. It also gives visibility to the features and functionality of the products offered by the competition. This analysis is obtained by researching product advertising, financial and shareholder information. The results can be used to define how to strategically achieve a competitive advantage.
Patent Analysis examines the extent to which your invention is similar to existing products that are described in patent office publications and other published literature, known as prior art. It can be used to assess the uniqueness of your invention, mitigate risk of infringing issued patents and uncover competitive advantages over existing technologies. The resulting report will list the closest discovered prior art and the companies owning the issued patents.
Regulatory Analysis identifies Federal regulations applicable to the product that you are commercializing. This analysis is obtained through the research of published and proposed Federal regulations, while highlighting the business activities that are necessary for compliance. Regulatory Analysis also identifies potential market opportunities and strategies that can be leveraged by changing market conditions and new Federal guidelines.
BioPortUSA can conduct a readiness assessment for your company, called Market Launchpad, a program specifically designed for the American market to gather information and become the framework for your U.S. Commercialization Plan. Learn more about BioPortUSA Market Launchpad here.